In most of the cases python is already installed in your computer either it has windows based system or you do have mac, linux, unix Os installed on your pc.
here are the simple ways to invoke python into your pc windows based system.
- Go to start menu
- type cmd in search bar
- a black screen will be opend called command line or command prompt or cmd
- in cmd type the following command
- C:\Users\Your Name>python --version
If you are a Linux or Mac user, you need to check either is python installed in your computer
- Go to command line and type
- python --version
If Python is not installed in your computer, than just got to the official website : to freely download the python and get it installed on your computer as per your operating system.
Python is a Interpreted Programming language like asp classic. and its files can be saved with an extention of .py.
for example: C:\Users\Your Name>python