how to re-write url in using c#

In this web programming tutorial we will learn that how we can re-write url in, as it is very important and common and most difficult task for an developer to re-write url. For URL Rewriting we are using URLRewriter.Net which is available free. Download URLRewriter.Net
Step 1: Download Binary Files for URLRewriter.Net
Step 2: Add Reference to Binary Files, Right click project "Add Reference" and add binary files.
Step 3: Update Web.Config File to make URLRewriter.Net works.

Step 4: Adding Function to Generate SEO Friendly URL from given Title
public static string GenerateURL(object Title, object strId)
string strTitle = Title.ToString();

#region Generate SEO Friendly URL based on Title
//Trim Start and End Spaces.
strTitle = strTitle.Trim();

//Trim "-" Hyphen
strTitle = strTitle.Trim('-');

strTitle = strTitle.ToLower();
char[] chars = @"$%#@!*?;:~`+=()[]{}|\'<>,/^&"".".ToCharArray();
strTitle = strTitle.Replace("c#", "C-Sharp");
strTitle = strTitle.Replace("", "VB-Net");
strTitle = strTitle.Replace("", "Asp-Net");

//Replace . with - hyphen
strTitle = strTitle.Replace(".", "-");

//Replace Special-Characters
for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
string strChar = chars.GetValue(i).ToString();
if (strTitle.Contains(strChar))
   strTitle = strTitle.Replace(strChar, string.Empty);

//Replace all spaces with one "-" hyphen
strTitle = strTitle.Replace(" ", "-");

//Replace multiple "-" hyphen with single "-" hyphen.
strTitle = strTitle.Replace("--", "-");
strTitle = strTitle.Replace("---", "-");
strTitle = strTitle.Replace("----", "-");
strTitle = strTitle.Replace("-----", "-");
strTitle = strTitle.Replace("----", "-");
strTitle = strTitle.Replace("---", "-");
strTitle = strTitle.Replace("--", "-");

//Run the code again...
//Trim Start and End Spaces.
strTitle = strTitle.Trim();

//Trim "-" Hyphen
strTitle = strTitle.Trim('-');

//Append ID at the end of SEO Friendly URL
strTitle = "~/Article/" + strTitle + "-" + strId + ".aspx";

return strTitle;

Step 5: Changing DataBinder.Eval Function in .Aspx Page to reflect changes in URL of Grid.



A Software Engineer, Social Media Marketing Expert, writer,

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