Operators in SQL Server

Example Usage
=, >, <, >=,<=, <>, !=, !>, !<
<Column Name> = ,
<Other Column Name>,
<Column Name> = ‘Bob’
Standard Comparison Operators—these work as they do in pretty much any programming language with a couple of
notable points:
1. What constitutes “greater than,” “less
than,” and “equal to” can change depending
on the collation order you have selected. For
example, “ROMEY” = “romey” in places
where case-insensitive sort order has been
selected, but “ROMEY” < > “romey” in a
case-sensitive situation.
2. != and <> both mean “not equal.” !< and
!> mean “not less than” and “not greater
than” respectively.
<Column1> = <Column2> AND
<Column3> >= <Column 4>
<Column1> != “MyLiteral” OR
<Column2> = “MyOtherLiteral”
Standard Boolean logic. You can use these to combine multiple conditions into one WHERE clause. NOT is evaluated first, then AND, then OR. If you need to change the
evaluation order, you can use parentheses.
Note that XOR is not supported.
<Column1> BETWEEN 1 AND 5
Comparison is TRUE if the first value is
between the second and third values inclusive.
It is the functional equivalent of A>=B
AND A<=C. Any of the specified values can
be column names, variables, or literals.
<Column1> LIKE “ROM%”
Uses the % and _ characters for wildcarding.
% indicates a value of any length can replace
the % character. _ indicates any one character
can replace the _ character.
Enclosing characters in [ ] symbols indicates
any single character within the [ ] is OK ([ac]
means a, b, and c are OK. [ab] indicates a
or b are OK).
^ operates as a NOT operator—indicating
that the next character is to be excluded.
<Column1> IN (List of Numbers)
<Column1> IN (“A”, “b”, “345”)
Returns TRUE if the value to the left of the IN keyword matches any of the values in the
list provided after the IN keyword. This is frequently
used in subqueries,
<column|expression> (comparision operator), <ANY|SOME> (subquery)
These return TRUE if any or all (depending on which you choose) values in a subquery meet the comparison operator (e.g. <, >, =,
>=) condition. ALL indicates that the value
must match all the values in the set. ANY
and SOME are functional equivalents and
will evaluate to TRUE if the expression
matches any value in the set.

EXISTS (subquery)
Returns TRUE if at least one row is returned
by the subquery.


A Software Engineer, Social Media Marketing Expert, writer,

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