Image Tags in html

 This Tag is used for putting pictures or images on your web page. The images can be of any format that is JPG, GIF, PNG etc. The <img> tag is empty, which means that it contains attributes only and it has no closing tag.

Some other Useful Tags. We will now discuss some other useful tags like HTML Rules, HTML Comments, Line Breaks etc. Drawing HTML Rules

<pre class="brush:html"><HR> </pre>
(Horizontal Rule) is a stand alone tag that generates a horizontal line. There is no corresponding HTML command for a verticle line.
Neepan Tech Home Page.
Clicking on the above sentence on the web page takes you to the Website Home Page.
<pre class="brush:html">
<img src="neepantech.jpg" width="250" height="100" />
</body> </html>


A Software Engineer, Social Media Marketing Expert, writer,

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